It all started with an idea…
The primary purpose of Grace’s Place is to provide a unique place of healing and restoration for children traumatised by homicide.
Mission Statement & Vision
The primary purpose of Grace’s Place is to provide a unique place of healing and restoration for children who have lost a loved one from homicide.
A place where children and young adults may be guided to believe in themselves and their future. It is currently being build in Doonside, NSW, on land made available by Blacktown City Council and Western Sydney Parklands Trust.
The NSW Federal and State Governments have provided funds to make this vision a reality.
The Centre will be named in honour of Grace Lynch, mother of Anita Cobby and will include residential and counselling facilities. It will also be the new Head Office of the Homicide Victims Support Group (Aust) Inc.
Who we are
Homicide Victims Support Group (NSW)
Founded in June 1993, the Homicide Victims Support Group (HVSG) was established when the parents of Anita Cobby and Ebony Simpson were introduced. They recognised the very real need to set up an organisation which could offer counselling, support and information to families and friends of homicide victims throughout NSW.
As a result the counselling section at the Institute of Forensic Medicine started to work with family members to introduce the concept of the HVSG.
The Homicide Victims’ Support Group (Aust) funded by Western Sydney Local Area Health District, along with generous donations from members, friends, caring members of the public and corporate sponsors.
What we do, and why we do it
Among the most traumatised when a loved one is lost through murder are children and young adults. Experience has shown us children of homicide require stronger and more direct support. Grace’s Place is that place, a special place where young members can heal and survive.
We need the support of the community, the government and business organisations to continue this work.
Children are often the unseen, unheard victims of homicide.
Their lives are changed forever.
Grace’s Place will be there to provide support in a safe place where children, teenagers and their families grieving the death of someone they love through homicide, can share their experiences, receive counselling, be involved in therapeutic programs and learn life skills on how to survive the trauma without their loved one.
Our Counsellors are experienced at working with younger members of the group and provide the support and counselling required. Currently these services are available in our office, in the homes of young ones or at school by prior arrangement.
But there is still so much more that can be done for these young members. Services are limited and the lack of facilities mean that children are missing out on the support they need to get through the grief of losing a loved one to murder. By having this specifically focused facility we will be able to provide many services now lacking to the younger members of the HVSG.
Grace’s Place is named in honour of Grace Lynch, the mother of Anita Cobby and was one of the founding members of the HVSG. Grace was a gentle, caring woman who shared her life and loss with so many, becoming a mother to so many. Grace’s Place will be a special place where our young members can heal and survive.
Grace’s Place Team
A Project of this size could not have been made possible without the support of many teams of people.
We are so thankful to our sponsors and ambassadors.